Dreams and Inspirations

Dreams and Inspirations
Photo by Stephen Andrews / Unsplash

For those whom are unsure, since 03/02/2011 till this coming Friday, I am (or have) been in Melbourne. Some amazing things have happened and there has been fun and laughter. It's amazing at Gods work over here in Melbourne.

I woke up this morning after a, what I would call, weird dream. I dreamt it was a Youth Meeting at Floreat and I was preaching, when I preached I brought up the topic of the uniform (one of my loved peices of clothing) and what it represents and this got me thinking. (Oh and by the way Liesl and Ben, don't get any ideas yet... I don't want to preach at a youth meeting... yet :P). The Uniform in my honest opinion is one tool equipped to Senior Soldiers that everyone should be using but not everyone does. I come to church on a Sunday and can count more than 2 hands full of people in that room that are Senior Soldiers, and don't wear their uniform, or don't wear it as often as they should.

I remember a while back on the YouthWA forum (when it was up) and there was a topic about the uniform. People made comments like "I hate wearing my uniform as its uncomfortable" and others similar to this. To that I call it a silly excuse. Jesus when he went through the desert with the cross on his shoulder was NOT comfortable. Jesus when he was on the cross dying for our sins was not comfortable. Comfortablility should not be an excuse for not wearing uniform if we make a promise to God (in the covernant we sign) saying We will and the promises we make. When we become a Senior Soldier their is a uniform we must adhear to.

I hate the fact people don't wear the uniform. Its not the be all and end all however it is good if people at least try and wear it (esp. when a senior soldier). When I, personally, put my uniform on (and hopefully same for others) I put on "the armour of god". The uniform consists of Belt, Black Pants, White top (with epauletts), tie and black shoes and sox (and in winter the uniform jacket). This is exactly the same as the armour of god...

Belt of TRUTH - The belt I wear on my pants.
Breastplate of RIGHTEOUSNESS - The uniform shirt and/or jacket.
Sandals of PEACE - Even tho they are not sandals my black shoes count.
Shield of FAITH - Unsure about this part.
Helmet of SALVATION - Salvation Army Baseball Cap or the normal Cap
The victorious Sword of the spirit - The bible.

Is it just me or does the armour of God sound like the uniform given to Senior soldiers...? Belt, Breastplate, Sandals, Shield, Helmet, Sword. I pray this may challenge someone as its something God has been putting on my heart not first time I dreamt of this preaching [different scenarios]) but it is something I stand strongly for.

I will leave you from a message of the bible for todays bible verse.

As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God.
Psalm 42:1 (New International Version)