Kyle-XY speaks to me!

I was and have been watching Kyle-XY over the past few days/weeks, and something has been standing out to me. Something I (like Kyle) could not understand. God speaks to us in amazing ways and this was one of his ways through the Kyle-XY series I have on DVD and the remaining ones i had not got as yet which I watched via youtube.
I guess you can call me a Kyle (short for Kyle-XY) freek but hey, it could come good use in some time. I sat back thinking how much the creators of this, revealed a sence of godliness in their movie. How for me, movies somehow protrait something new to me, about my faith. God has an amazing plan for us all, and I know he is not yet finished with me.
God spoke to me immensily through this film, see for years and years I have not read my bible. Sure I have read the bible reading during the sermon (via the powerpoint displayed on the screen), but never actually sat down and read it. Also for a few months now I have not been praying before bed (as I used to) til i started watching the Kyle-XY series (a bit wierd ey?).
You see, in some points, we as humans can relate to Kyle while the enemy out there Satan (in Kyle's case the Ladnok) is out there attacking. See satan trys to attack from every corner, sometimes succeeding other times failing, but if we don't believe in the truth, he suceeds. In Kyle-XY, he likes a girl called Amanda (played by Kirsten Prout) and yet somehow he had a connection with this Jessie (Played by Jaimie Alexander). In some cases you could relate to Kyle's situation and actually feel sad for his situation.
He eventually found out, him and Jessie were a match, yet he still liked Amanda. See in life we have these struggles, probably not relationship ones, but each and everyone of us have struggles. I pray that all those facing struggles will overcome them, and that I can just like i pray others can, grow stronger in their relationship with God.
God Bless,
Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves the father loves his child as well.
1 John 5:1 (New International Version)